The FTD Lush Life Rose Bouquet

The FTD Lush Life Rose Bouquet

The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED

The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED

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The FTD Abundant Rose Bouquet

Enviar 'The FTD Lush Life Rose Bouquet' a El Salvador

DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Rich in color and unmatched beauty, this blushing rose bouquet flaunts a modern styling to send your warmest, heartfelt wishes to your recipient in a way they will never forget. Hot pink, orange, and red roses capture the eye and the imagination accented with green trachelium, bupleurum, and ivy vines for a fresh look. Presented in a clear glass cubed vase lined with ti green leaf material to add to the overall display, this fresh flower arrangement is ready to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or send your thank you or get well wishes in style.Locally delivered by a professional florist in El Salvador

A donde van las flores?

Rich in color and unmatched beauty, this blushing rose bouquet flaunts a modern styling to send your warmest, heartfelt wishes to your recipient in a way they will never forget. Let our professional local florists arrange the best hot pink, orange, and red roses capture the eye and the imagination accented in this bouquet. Fine flowers delivered in El Salvador.
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