For Those Solemn Moments

For Those Solemn Moments

Birthday Joy

Birthday Joy

My Heart Is Yours

My Heart Is Yours

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Are you unsure about the right choice of flowers since you do not know the taste of the recipient and style of his/her house? Let be assured that this bouquet will always make the right impression. White - green variety of roses, santinis, eustomas and chrysanthemas Anastasia Green are truly magnificient and stylish. Vase not incl.
Tan bajo como 67,00 €

A donde van las flores?

0 /255 Carcteres
Are you unsure about the right choice of flowers since you do not know the taste of the recipient and style of his , her house? Let be assured that this bouquet will always make the right impression. White - green variety of roses, santinis, eustomas and chrysanthemas Anastasia Green are truly magnificient and stylish. Vase not incl.
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