The Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED

The Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED

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Enviar 'The Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED' a Corea del Sur

Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours.Fine flowers delivered in South Korea.
Tan bajo como 145,00 €

A donde van las flores?

0 /255 Carcteres
Nothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic glass vase, this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Korea.
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