The Girl Power Bouquet by FTD VASE INCLUDED

The Girl Power Bouquet by FTD VASE INCLUDED

Spirited Grace Lily

Spirited Grace Lily

The Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED

The Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet by FTD - VASE INCLUDED

Send 'The Girl Power Bouquet by FTD VASE INCLUDED' to Dominican Republic

Pink Asiatic lilies, pale peach carnations, pale green mini carnations and lush greens are exquisitely arranged in a clear glass gathered square vase. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Dominican Republic.
As low as €85.00

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The Girl Power Bouquet by FTD brings together roses and Asiatic lilies to send your sweetest sentiments and offer your congratulations on the birth of their new baby girl! Pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies, pale peach carnations, pale green mini carnations and lush greens are exquisitely arranged in a clear glass gathered square vase professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Dominican Republic.
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