The FTD True Romance Rose Bouquet

The FTD True Romance Rose Bouquet

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The FTD Lush Life Rose Bouquet

The FTD Blooming Bounty Bouquet - Basket included

The FTD Blooming Bounty Bouquet - Basket included

Send 'The FTD True Romance Rose Bouquet' to Philippines

Red, pink and fuchsia roses, accented with beautiful greens and seated in a clear glass vase. Arranged and delivered by a local florist in Philippines
As low as €72.00

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The FTD True Romance Rose Bouquet is the perfect expression of love and passion to make this a truly memorable Valentine's Day. A bright burst of color, this bouquet combines red, pink and fuchsia roses, accented with beautiful greens and seated in a clear glass vase, to create a truly romantic representation of your love.
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