The FTD Garden's Paradise Basket

The FTD Garden's Paradise Basket

The FTD Fuchsia Phalaenopsis Orchid

The FTD Fuchsia Phalaenopsis Orchid

The FTD Happy Times Bouquet

The FTD Happy Times Bouquet

Send 'The FTD Garden's Paradise Basket' to Brazil

This gift basket is a beautiful way to say thank you, get well, or happy birthday to your favorite friends, family, or co-workers across the miles. By local florists in Brazil

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A blend of natures finest gifts, this stunning gift basket is ready to surprise and delight your recipient in honor of any of life's most treasured moments. A gorgeous blooming kalanchoe plant displays bright red blooms along with a lush ivy plant, arrive seated in a large white wash woven willow handled basket loaded with fresh apples, oranges, pears, and bananas to create a warm and welcome gift. Presented tied with a red sheer ribbon at the side, Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Brazil.
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