
The FTD Color Craze Bouquet


The FTD Best Day Bouquet


The FTD® A Fresh Take™ Bouquet

Send 'The FTD Color Craze Bouquet' to Brazil

A blend of orange roses, sunflowers, violet mini carnations, green button poms, and lush greens to create an incredible gift. Presented in a clear glass vase. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Brazil.
As low as €73.00

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The FTD Color Craze Bouquet blooms with a vibrant energy to create a special moment for your recipient! Our floral professionals weave together a blend of orange roses, sunflowers, violet mini carnations, green button poms, and lush greens to create an incredible gift. Presented in a clear glass vase, this truly colorful display of fresh flowers is ready to send your warmest birthday, thank you, or get well wishes straight to their door.Fine flowers delivered in Brazil.
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