
The FTD Bright Days Ahead Bouquet


The FTD Birthday Cheer Bouquet


Boys Are Best! - Basket Included

Send 'The FTD Bright Days Ahead Bouquet' to Trinidad and Tobago

Celebrating life with colorful blooms that inspire and delight, this flower bouquet is ready to create a happy moment for your recipient that they will never forget. Fine flowers delivered in Trinidad and Tobago.
As low as €86.00

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Orange roses, hot pink gerbera daisies, yellow gerbera daisies, hot pink carnations, green button poms, bupleurum, and lush greens mingle together to create a sunlit display while seated in a classic clear glass vase tied at the neck with a yellow satin ribbon for a sweet affect. Arranged and delivered by a local florist in Trinidad and Tobago.
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