The FTD All For You Bouquet

The FTD All For You Bouquet

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15 Short-stemmed White Roses

The FTD Lush Life Rose Bouquet

The FTD Lush Life Rose Bouquet

Send 'The FTD All For You Bouquet' to Chile

A beautiful set of fresh and bright flowers professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Chile.
As low as €70.00

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Your recipient always takes care of everyone else - they are thoughtful, they are kind, and they are completely deserving of a special surprise consisting of bright, beautiful blooms. Their energetic summer colors will inspire an unique atmosphere by arranging alstroemerias, larkspurs, spray roses, carnations, sunflowers, and asiatic lilies in a bubble bowl. The bouquet is hand made and delivered by a local florist in Chile.
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