Send The-Boy-Oh-Boy-Bouquet-by-FTD to Brazil

The Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet by FTD

Send The-FTD-Bright-Days-Ahead-Bouquet to Brazil

The FTD Bright Days Ahead Bouquet

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Send 'The Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet by FTD' to Brazil

The Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet by FTD employs roses and Asiatic lilies to send your bright and sunny congratulations on the birth of their new baby boy! Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Brazil.
As low as €65.00

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Yellow roses and carnations are brought together with pale green mini carnations, white Asiatic lilies, yellow solidago and lush greens exquisitely arranged in a clear glass gathered square vase. Accented with blue and lavender wired ribbon, this bouquet creates a wonderful way to send your warmest wishes for the adventure of parenthood ahead. Fine flowers delivered in Brazil.
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