The FTD Shades of Purple Bouquet

The FTD Shades of Purple Bouquet

The FTD Blooming Bounty Bouquet - Basket included

The FTD Blooming Bounty Bouquet - Basket included

A Bit of Sunshine Basket by FTD

A Bit of Sunshine Basket by FTD

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A wonderful birthday, anniversary, or thank you gift! Arranged and delivered by a local florist in Philippines
Tan bajo como 140,00 €

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0 /255 Carcteres
This flower arrangement, bringing together lavender stock, purple double lisianthus, lavender chrysanthemums, purple Peruvian Lilies, and purple statice, accented with white Asiatic Lilies and lush greens presented in a modern purple swirled glass vase
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